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insurance charges中文是什么意思

用"insurance charges"造句"insurance charges"怎么读"insurance charges" in a sentence


  • 保险费用


  • The freight and insurance charges are all for the distributor ' s own account
  • The life insurance charge is determined using the same parameters as apply to the company s traditional life products
  • Lc derives income from the x product by way of the monthly life insurance charge and the other charges imposed on the policyholder
  • Lc derives income from the x product by way of the monthly life insurance charge and the other charges imposed on the policyholder
  • Finally , the project of utilizing middleware technology to realize social insurance charging and checking off through banks is described in detail
  • At the beginning of each month lc deducts from the policyholder s notional holdings in the investment funds sufficient units to cover the life insurance charge
    每逢月初, lc会从持有人名义上持有的投资基金单位,扣取足够的单位,以支付人寿保险费。
  • At the beginning of each month lc deducts from the policyholder s notional holdings in the investment funds sufficient units to cover the life insurance charge
    每逢月初, lc会从持有人名义上持有的投资基金单位,扣取足够的单位,以支付人寿保险费。
  • Social endowment insurance executes a society to tie kind with individual account photograph as a whole , endowment insurance charge is mixed by country , unit individual tripartite is reasonable burden
  • Answer : social endowment insurance executes a society to tie kind with individual account photograph as a whole , endowment insurance charge is mixed by country , unit individual tripartite is reasonable burden
  • The worker is in during suspending the work not pay is basic endowment insurance charge , also do not calculate capture expends fixed number of year , its individual account is given by former agency orgnaization reservation ; the worker is brought into play or interrupt account of working around individual to store the forehead is ok accumulative total computation , uninterrupted plan breath
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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